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Découvrez nos programmes variés conçus pour répondre aux besoins uniques de chaque enfant à chaque étape de leur développement. Notre centre, à la fois confortable, moderne et chaleureux, offre un environnement qui fait sentir comme à la maison. Nous avons un programme de pouponnière et de préscolaire, offrant un environnement chaleureux et sécurisé pour les enfants âgés de 3 mois à 5 ans. Nos horaires flexibles, de 6h15 à 17h45, sont adaptés aux besoins des familles occupées.


Pour les enfants scolaires, nous avons un programme avant et après l'école, offrant un soutien pédagogique et des activités enrichissantes pour prolonger leur journée d'apprentissage de manière amusante et stimulante.


Pour les journées pédagogiques, notre centre offre des journées complètes remplies d'activités divertissantes et éducatives pour garder les enfants engagés et motivés.


De plus, nous proposons un programme de pré-maternelle trois matins par semaine, d'octobre à juin, pour préparer les enfants à leur transition vers l'école maternelle.


Quel que soit l'âge de votre enfant, nos programmes sont conçus pour favoriser leur développement global, stimuler leur curiosité et nourrir leur amour pour l'apprentissage.


Discover our diverse programs designed to meet the unique needs of each child at every stage of their development. Our centre, both comfortable, modern, and welcoming, offers an environment that feels like home. We have a nursery and preschool program, providing a warm and secure environment for children aged 3 months to 5 years. Our flexible hours, from 6:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m., are tailored to the needs of busy families.


For school-aged children, we offer both before and after-school programs, providing educational support and enriching activities to extend their learning day in a fun and stimulating way.


On pedagogical days, our centre offers full days filled with entertaining and educational activities to keep children engaged and motivated.


Additionally, we offer a pre-kindergarten program three mornings a week, from October to June, to prepare children for their transition to kindergarten.


Regardless of your child's age, our programs are designed to promote their overall development, stimulate their curiosity, and nurture their love for learning.

"Dear LPG staff, 

Thank you for all that you do for my child and for helping him grow!"

"Thanks for being so great to the girls. You definitely made the transition back to work much easier, both times!"

"Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous faites! Mon enfant est très chanceux d'être à une garderie avec un formidable personnel!"

''My daughter started attending Les petites grenouilles centre in May 2016 after having a terrible experience at another daycare. My husband and I were a little nervous at first about this, seeing as it is a French speaking daycare and neither of us have a French background, but our daughter caught on in no time and was able to fully understand French. I really like that the facility is smaller and doesn't have a lot of kids, I found this to be less overwhelming for my daughter. The staff is fantastic and really seems to care about my child which puts me at ease when I drop her off.''

''On vous apprécie ÉNORMÉMENT! Merci pour votre travail et dévouement continuel. Merci pour votre patience et vos sourires. Merci pour vos jeux, activités, sorties, marches, chansons et danses. Merci pour les bricolages, casses-têtes et la lecture. 
Et surtout, merci pour votre AMOUR.
On le ressent à tous les jours.''

"Une équipe formidable composée d'éducatrices exceptionnelles!"

''I just wanted to share something from our parent-teacher interview today. Our child is the little French star student in their maternelle class. They speak almost exclusively in French during the school day and even encourage other kids to try speaking French, even when those kids talk to them in English. Their time at Les petites grenouilles has set them up so well for future French success.
It's the same kind of feedback we received with our older child. As English-and Ukrainian-speaking parents, it's quite entertaining to be told that our kids now speak English with a French accent! 
Thank you for doing such an amazing job.'' 

Les petites grenouilles

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